Friday, May 19, 2006

I love this

What possess people to think having orange colored skin means they're more attractive? I don't get it. Like "Orange is the new tan"? Check it out!

I seriously have the sweetest co-worker ever

She is such a doll. She gave me these after I told her my 10th anniversary was coming up (on the 18th):

she also gave me a print out of Dermot Mulroney with him saying "Have a great day!"

Monday, May 15, 2006

New photos of moi. Thrilling, I know. Try to contain yourself.

Sunday, May 14, 2006

More flowers

I've only ever had this many flowers once before and that was when I had the kid!

My mom gave me some yellow mums for Mother's Day. Awwww....

Mother's Day Goodies

My sister-in-law gave me the most amazing gifts for Mother's Day. A lovely candle/glass plate set and a beautiful bouquet of flowers.