I'm currently reading
I Don't Know How She Does It and honestly, although I've yet to work outside of our home since the birth of my son over 7 years ago
(for some reason working from home and getting paid for it doesn't count to most people) I can relate to this book so much it's almost painful. That whole need to be perfect, the automatic mode of always trying to remember everything and get everything done. The complete and utter head spinning it can feel like inside.
Anyway, my latest terrible mom moment was this evening. I didn't go to the "Back To School Night" at Kiddo's school. I've gone every year, but not this one. Last year I went alone (hubby stayed home with Kiddo since children aren't allowed - he was happy to get out of going of course) and learned exactly nothing new about the school and what was going to happen, etc. Last year at the "Back To School Night" was also when I got sucked into being the Room Parent and volunteering for a crazy amount of things. Maybe that is, in part why I just wanted to avoid going this year? I don't know. But I admit, I do feel like this is a failure on my part. It doesn't matter I was completely exhausted. It doesn't matter I'd already spent 1.5 hours helping Kiddo with homework. I didn't make it to "Back To School Night" for his 2nd grade class. Period. Blah.
Why? Why do I/we (Mother's) do this to ourselves. My husbands response was more along the line of
Oh Please, like it really matters. Get over it. What did I expect. He is a man. He never reads the Kiddo's papers, he visits the school once a year for the Open House and that's it. He doesn't get it. I wish I didn't get it.
Whatever. It's 7:30 p.m. and I need to log off and go make a lovely homecooked meal for my family.